Sri Sugiharti

Dosen Tetap Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP UNRIKA Batam


Money has great rule in human life recently, even in the rural village such as Demolong in Wonosobo Regency that the head vilage roled by Marwoto cannot do anything because he was losen Raden Mas Pono who has much money. The theory of marxist used in research because it shows how the upper level (the have) is easily to oppress the lower level (the Poor). This research finds that money can cange the power of head village and love as well.

Key  Words: Money, love and Marxism

1. Introduction

As modern people, money become as legal transaction to fulfill daily life. Therefore, many people sacrifice everything due to the money. In addition, literary works as the real reflection of social life will points this situation.

Preman In Love is Indonesian movie relased on July 18th, 2009 directed by Rako Prijanto and starred by Tora Sudiro, Vincent Ryan Rompies, Fanny Fabriana, Bagoes Surya Aji Wibowo, Didik Nini Thowok, dan Marwoto. This movie mostly takes pictures in Wonosobo Regency, Central-Java. This movie tells, Sahroni (Tora Sudiro), country-side at Demolong on plateu of Mount Sumbing. He totally changed his life after falling for a daughter of Head village, named Rini (Fanny Fabriana), although she will be married by her own father to Raden Mas Pono (Vincent Ryan Rompies). Due to triangle-love competition, eventually Mr. Head village (Marwoto) decides to asked them to successes him as head viallage, who will be son in law of Mr. Marwoto.

This story tells that Rini falls in love with Sahroni although he is a genster and most of people hate him. Sahroni totally changes, and he is active to campign because his rival is Raden Mas Pono which was supported by Heri (Den Baguse ngarso), he is a great magician from Dieng.

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