Suswanto Ismadi Megah

Dosen Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris-FKIP Universitas Riau Kepulauan Batam

The developing science and knowledge are followed by the advanced technology. Those significantly have contributed in communication by inventing cellular or mobile phone by performing written message. These become a phenomenon in society recently by communicating via SMS. These are a natural phenomenon of cellular user by sending SMS (Short Message Service). SMS normally is used by the teenager in sending message. In addition, SMS language can be categorized as a unique language, because the users do not use the standard language to write messages (SMS). The data obtained from the English Students who have studied pragmatics.The most dominant use of type of directives while the functions are asking and requesting used more often used thn the other types. While the usage of the numbers and alphabets to change the letters based on the phones due to minimizing or shortening the words used.

Key words: Pragmatics, Speech Acts and SMS

1. Introduction
In modern era, language is known widely used to communicate in social life. Hence, language is an important tool that helps people to communicate among their own frineds in a society or community. Wardhaugh (1977; 3) states that a language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbol can be used by human being for communication. Hence, a language has some characteristics. It is a system, arbitrary, vocal, symbol, human, and communication. In communication, language allows people to say thing to each other and express their communicative needs. While Nababan (1993:1) adds that a langauge is like insitution in society. On the other hand, Moeliono (1992) explains that function of language based on communicative can be used to declare something.

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