Pheres Sunu Widjayengrono Dosen Tetap Prodi Pendidikan Sejarah FKIP UNRIKA Batam Abstract This article attempt to show importance of a theoreticalframework. Surakarta’skingdomdownfall phenomenaand strategic group concept is usedas case study.It applies history method with comparative analysis,political, and descriptive approach. Complexity of political phenomena is determined […]
Yarsi Efendi Dosen Tetap Prodi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Riau Kepulauan ABSTRACT Mangrove forest in the township of mangrove charcoal Kampung Bagan, Tanjung Piayu Batam, on the condition quantity and quality degradation . The existence of these ecosystems are increasingly threatened by the […]
Nurhaty Purnama Sari Dosen Tetap Prodi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UNRIKA Batam ABSTACT A descriptive research that aims to describe: (1) the level of teacher questions based on gender and teaching experience; (2) students’ response to the level of teacher question; (3) teacher’s ability to […]
Rahmi Dosen Tetap Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UNRIKA Batam Abstrak Penelitian yang menggunakan metode Quasi Eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk perbedaan kemampuan berpikir kritis mahasiswa padapokok bahasan dinamika populasi pada hewan antara kelas PBL (Problem Based Learning) dengan kelas konvensional, dan mengatahui deskripsi indikator dari kemampuan […]